AWARD & EXHIBITION |                 20. 04. 2025 - 25. 01. 2025

月潮搖籃曲:細胞 moon tide lullaby: cell, Kaohsiung Award 高雄獎, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts 高雄市立美術館, Kaohsiung

My work moon tide lullaby: cell 月潮搖籃曲:細胞 ’ has received the 'HOPAX Sustainable Environment Special Award (聚和國際環境永續特別獎)' at the 2025 Kaohsiung Award. 

>> exhibition info: here
Photo credit: Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts


EXHIBITION |                                    23. 02. 2025 - 28. 12. 2024

falling notes ──  張君慈個展  Iris Chun-Tzu Chang Solo Exhibition, 尖蚪 Tadpole Point, 寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village, Taipei, TW

falling notes 是落葉的腳印、是落在不同時空的草稿手記、是葉子的傷口()呼吸的遺跡。我把它們重新拾起拼貼,編織成空間中的謎題或是譜句,等待以及邀請,發生於內在的閱讀或是聆聽。循著孔隙與裂縫之間的線索,記憶代謝記憶,經驗註解經驗──「我們都是形成世界的洞。」她如是說。
Date | 28 December 2024 – 2 February, 2025 (extended, til 23 Feb.)
Venue | Tadpole Point, Treasure Hill Artist Village
Opening reception | 2024.12.28 (sat.) 15:00
Photo credit: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


(upcoming)  2025
Tuning: Pumice Radio, Next Art Tainan, Mezzo Art, Tainan
(15 mar. - 13 april)


AWARD & GRANT |                                                    2024 - 2023

獲選為雲門第十七屆「流浪者計畫」獎助者 Awarded as the 17th ‘Cloud Gate Wanderer’, 流浪者計畫 Wanderer Project, 雲門基金會 Cloud Gate Foundation, TW

>> Wanderer Project
Photo credit: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


ARTICLE |                                                                   17. 10. 2024

冰塊、浮石、海的耳朵:一個聆聽者的筆記  Ice, Pumice, Sea Ears: A Listener’s Note, featuring on gu山島有gu事, Seabelongings , TW

>> read: here
Photo credit: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


COMPOSITION |                                                         16. 09. 2024

Sound piece Weaving chant, tracing home in the Migration Sounds project, Worldwide

Weaving chant, tracing home is a soundscape composition piece in which I reimagined and recomposed the field recording of The Tabernacle from the Migration Sounds archive.
Migration Sounds is the first ever global collection of the sounds of human migration, using sound to reframe and reimagine conversations around migration.  Sound recordings telling the personal stories of migration from 51 countries have been recomposed and reimagined by artists from all over the world, taking these sounds to an entirely new place.

The project is the result of a year-long partnership between Cities and Memory and the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS)  at the University of Oxford.
Photo credit: Cities and Memory


PERFORMANCE & EXHIBITION |  24. 03. 2024 - 21. 02. 2024

交聲響音 Sound Worlds RotationMusic Room, Taipei Biennial — Small World, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, TW

由藝術家張惠笙與奈鳩.布朗(Nigel Brown)共同經營的「聽說」邀請十位藝術家參加每人三日的輪替駐場計畫,探索即興的各種狀態。這些互動的殘留物,將於駐場之後,以各種形式展示於空間裡。
Ting Shuo Hear Say (Alice Hui-Sheng Chang and Nigel Brown) invites ten artists for a series of rotating three-day residencies for exploring new improvisational possibilities. Recordings, documentation, and other artifacts and traces of the collaborations will remain as residue within the space following the residencies.
三人駐 Trios In Residence | 21 February – 2 March, 2024
三人留 Trios In Residue | 3 March – 24 March, 2024
more details: here
Photo credit: Ting Shuo Hear Say


EXHIBITION |                                   07. 04. 2024 - 23. 12. 2023

‘leaves but not leaving’ in charity exhibition 阡陌縱橫的我們, 阡陌⼀舍 UNS, Kaohsiung, TW

Photo credit: 阡陌⼀舍 UNS


PERFORMANCE |                                                       23. 12. 2023

Performing in artist 林其蔚 (Lin Chi-Wei)’s sound piece ‘音結 1.4 (Talking Knots 1.4)  at Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab 臺灣當代文化實驗場 C-LAB, Taipei, TW

Venue|臺灣當代文化實驗場 聯合餐廳展演空間1樓 Art Space I, 1F
Entrance fee|預售300 現場400
Photo credit:  失聲祭 Lacking Sound Fest.


RESIDENCY |                                      02. 10. 2023 - 12. 09. 2023

Selected as 2023 Autumn Resident Writer, "Writers-in-Residence" Program, Taiwan Literature Base, National Museum of Taiwan Literature, TW

獲選為 2023 國立臺灣文學館臺灣文學基地的秋季駐村作家,於 9/12 - 10/02 展開為期三週的進駐,計畫完成《月潮搖籃曲:細胞故事集 moon tide lullaby: cell stories》的創作與出版。

workshops and open studio day registration: here
Photo credit: Taiwan Literature Base website


WORKSHOP & LECTURE |               02. 09. 2023 - 26. 08. 2023

堊地聆聽 x 大地即興 Sound and Performance Art Workshop, NCKU Art Center, Tainan, TW

Co-facilitating the sound and performance art workshop for NCKU Art Center’s Aesthetics and Arts Certificate Program students.
Video credit: NCKU Art Center


RADIO SHOW |                                                           26. 08. 2023

Sound piece “Living Room Project #2 (Sleepwalking Liver) 客廳計畫 #2 肝的夢遊” broadcasts on Radiophrenia Glasgow, UK

聲音作品「客廳計畫 #2 肝的夢遊」在 Radiophrenia Glasgow (格拉斯哥當代藝術中心的臨時藝術廣播電台)放送。
Time: Saturday 26 August 8:00 - 9:00 (15:00 - 16:00 TW time)
Listen to the 24 hrs radio: here
Photo credit: Radiophrenia website


WORKSHOP |                                                             30. 07. 2023

聽:一棵自己的樹 Listen: A Tree of One’s Own 深度聆聽&聽筒工作坊 deep listening and string phone workshop at Ming Baï Lab, Taipei, TW

Facilitating a listening workshop 'Listen: A Tree of One's Own' based on my long-term research project 'What is it like to be_?'. We will be exploring interspecies listening and imaginary sound together, listening deeply, to a tree of one's own. 
Photo credit: Baï LEE


PERFORMANCE |                                                       22. 07. 2023

Live performance Tuning: Pumice Radio 調頻中:浮石電台 at The Eleventh Warehouse, Hualien Cultural & Creative Industries Park, Hualien, TW

At This Moment - Exhibition + Forum 
Date|2023. 07. 22
Venue|The Eleventh Warehouse, Hualien Cultural & Creative Industries Park
more details: here
Photo credit: Ming-yueh, Tsai


EXHIBITION |                                   06. 08. 2023 - 22. 07. 2023

Live Art / Interactive Sound Installation Tuning: Pumice Radio 調頻中:浮石電台 at 在此刻發生了 At This Moment, Hualien, TW

Photo credit: Gihak ArtLab


PERFORMANCE |                                                       01. 07. 2023

Live performance at 失聲祭 Lacking Sound Festival, New Taipei, TW

失聲祭 Lacking Sound Fest.與 NTUA 聲響藝術實驗中心共同合作,以臺灣新生代女性電子音樂創作者為主題,邀請張君慈 (Iris Chun-Tzu Chang)、weiii、吳妍萱、Sophie Lu 等四位藝術家,將以模組合成器、古箏、電腦、麥克風、單體、物件等樂器與機械為聲音媒材,於臺藝文創園區美術大工坊進行聲響實驗演出。

Venue: 臺藝大文創園區 美術大工坊2樓 
Address: 新北市板橋區大觀路二段28號(臺藝大文創園區)
Time: 2023. 07. 01 ,15:00
Entrance fee: Free
more details: here
Photo credit: Lacking Sound Festival, NTUA Center for Sound Arts and Acoustics Research


RADIO SHOW |                                                           29. 05. 2023

Sound piece “Living Room Project #3 ❍ 客廳計畫 #3 ❍” features in Unhomed Objects on Camp FR radio

聲音作品「客廳計畫 #3 ❍」參與 UnhomedObjects 廣播節目,在 CampFR 電台放送。
Time: 29th May 13:00 CET (19:00-20:00 TW time)
Have a listen: here 
Photo credit: Unhomed Objects


EXHIBITION |                                    04. 06. 2023 - 28. 05. 2023

Live art 虛樹 Imaginary Tree in 精神置換:活展覽_ART IN PROGRESS, Artist Residency w/ Acid House 酸屋, Absence Space 不存在劇場 , Tainan, TW

Photo credit: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


LECTURE & WORKSHOP |                                       20. 05. 2023

想像作為一種聆聽:如果我有不存在的耳朵  Imagination As A Way Of Listening:What is it like to be an absence space? lecture and workshop精神置換:跨域創作共學工作坊Art In Progress’ Artist Residency w/ Acid House, Absence Space, Tainan, TW

more details: here
Photo credit: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


AWARD SHORTLIST |                                                            2023

Event score ‘Listen Like a Stone’ is shortlisted for the Best Imagined Sound category, Sound of the Year Awards 2022 

我創作的事件譜《像石頭一樣聆聽》進入了 2022 年度聲音獎「最佳想像聲音」類別的決選,獲獎名單將在五月十一日於大英圖書館公佈。
more details: here
Photo credit: Sound of the year awards 2022


ART RESIDENCY |                             04. 06. 2023 - 12. 05. 2023

Art In Progress’ Artist Residency 精神置換:跨域創作共學工作坊 w/ Acid House 酸屋, Absence Space 不存在劇場 , Tainan, TW


✧地點:不存在劇場 (臺南市北區正覺街 33 巷 14 號)
Photo credit: Acid House


ARTIST OPEN HOUSE |                                            06. 11. 2022

(re)wind: 給公會堂的播放清單, Artist Open House 駐館分享會, Artist Residency 藝術家駐館, National Hsinchu Living Arts Center 國立新竹生活美學館, Hsinchu, TW


張君慈 駐館創作分享會 Iris Chun-Tzu Chang Artist Open House:

時間|2022/11/05 (六) 14:30-15:30
地點|國立新竹生活美學館 松曦坊 (新竹市武昌街110號)


WORKSHOP |                                                              29. 10. 2022

如果我有公會堂的耳朵 — 深度聆聽與繪畫工作坊 What is it like to be an assembly hall? — deep listening and drawing workshop, Artist Residency 藝術家駐館, National Hsinchu Living Arts Center, Hsinchu 國立新竹生活美學館, TW


時間|2022/10/29 (六) 14:00-16:00
地點|國立新竹生活美學館 松曦坊人數:5-8人 (需事先報名,網址請點選 )


ART RESIDENCY |                             06. 11. 2022 - 24. 10. 2022

Artist Residency 藝術家駐館, National Hsinchu Living Arts Center 國立新竹生活美學館, Hsinchu, TW


EXHIBITION |                                   29. 01. 2023 - 15. 10. 2022

Soundwalk piece ‘Sound Asleep but Wide Awake 陷眠曲’ in 2022Mattauw 大地藝術季One More Festival 再壹波藝術節, Tsung-Yeh Arts and Cultural Center 總爺藝文中心 , Tainan, Taiwan

Photo credit: 2022 Mattauw 大地藝術季


EXHIBITION |                                    13. 11. 2022 - 15. 10. 2022

Performative Sound Installation ‘moon tide lullaby: cell 月潮搖籃曲:細胞’ in Disappearing Sound 消失的聲音 〔____〕, Taitung Art Museum 臺東美術館, Taitung, Taiwan

Disappearing Sound 消失的聲音 〔____〕
Date | 2022. 10. 15 - 2022. 11. 13
Time | 09:00-17:00, Closed on Mondays
Venue | Taitung Art Museum 臺東美術館(臺東市浙江路350號)
Curated by Pu-Teng Chang
Photo credit: Taitung Art Museum


EXHIBITION |                                    10. 10. 2022 - 08. 09. 2022

Sound Installation ‘聆聽孔隙:()listening pores: ()’ in 邊_ _ _線 Swaying Borders, Hualien, Taiwan

邊_ _ _線 Swaying Borders
Date | 2022. 09. 08 - 2022. 10. 10
Time | Tuesday - Sunday 12:00-18:00, (10 Oct. Open)
Venue | No. 23, No. 25, Ln. 8, Jieshou 2nd St., Hualien City, Hualien County, 970019, Taiwan 花蓮市介壽二街8巷23號、25號
Curated by LEE Te-Mao (Nordkapp Studio)
Photo credit: Nordkapp Studio


EVENT |                                                                       03. 08. 2022

Event score ‘Listen like a stone’ shared as Day 66 of A Year of Deep Listening, Worldwide.

Listen like a stone’ is included as part of the Center for Deep Listening's year-long celebration of Pauline Oliveros and Deep Listening.

A Year of Deep Listening is a 365-day celebration of the legacy of Pauline Oliveros, and what would have been her 90th birthday. The Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer is publishing one text score per day—online and across social media platforms—beginning on Oliveros’ 90th birthday: May 30, 2022.
Photo credit: The Center for Deep Listening 


EXHIBITION |                                    26. 06. 2022 - 12. 05. 2022

Interactive Sound Installation ‘Folding Soundscape’ in 咬耳朵 SOUND BITE, Taoyuan Children’s Art Center, Taoyuan Museum of Fine Art, Taoyuan, Taiwan

咬耳朵Sound Bite
Date | 2022. 05. 12 - 2022. 06.26
Time | Tuesday - Sunday 09:30-17:00
more details:

桃園市兒童美術館「咬耳朵Sound Bite」展覽,其命題聯想自美國新聞產業於1970年代發明的術語「聲刺」(Soundbite),意指新聞中的「精彩片段」,如果進一步將英文詞彙字義拆解,Sound指的是聲音,Bite則指的是咬住、緊抓住,而這也如同藝術家運用敏銳的感知,從生活中的細節找尋、抓取可能被忽略,或是不曾為人知的聲響,並且運用多元媒介與方法,轉譯、傳達他們內心獨特的感受與想法。

Photo credit: TMoFA


TALK & WORKSHOP |                                               02. 04. 2022

你聽,⽯頭裡的三⾸海浪 Listen, 3 waves in a stone // 2022 志哈克第三季駐村分享會 2022 Gihak ArtLab Season 3 Residency Sharing Session+Workshop大碉堡, Hualien, TW

駐村的第19天,在⼤碉堡的客廳看海。⻑⽅形的窗框出了⼀幅藍⾊的畫。我聽⾒⽯頭縫隙間的⾵, 穿著細細的浪潮聲來到餐桌。當海如此地靠近⾝體,我才重新意識⾃⼰正活在⼀座島上。


曲⽬1:⽯頭的⽇夢 —— 來⾃冰塊的記憶
———— 中場休息 ————


⼀⼩時的⼯作坊「如果我有⽯頭的⽿朵?」將以不同形式的聆聽與聲⾳冥想練習做為暖⾝,分享各⾃的聆聽經驗及對⽯頭的想像與記憶。接著前往⼤碉堡後⽅的海(花蓮溪出海⼝)進⾏聲⾳探險, 最後透過繪畫與⾃由書寫,將化⾝為⽯頭的聆聽經驗,製成⼀份屬於你的圖像樂譜。

Date & Time/2022.4.2 (Sat.) 15:00-17:00
Venue/大碉堡 (974 花蓮縣壽豐鄉大橋 36-12 號) By The Sea
Artist/張君慈 Iris Chun-Tzu Chang
Apply here / (上限30人)
Photo credit: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


EXHIBITION |                                   13. 03. 2022 - 09. 03. 2022

Sketch ‘rock garden- spatial score’ exhibited in TOWARDS SOUND Festival, The Rampant Wall, HilbertRaum, Berlin, Germany

'The Rampant Wall is a participatory exhibition format in which the working documents of international composers and sound artists gathered in TOWARDS SOUND's Fleeting Archive are arranged close together in a sprawling field. Assembled in tis way they form a topography of conscious and unconscious aesthetic action, a visualization of creative work in itself, detached from the question of authorship, a conglomeration of designs with utopian potential.'
Curated by Ruth Wiesenfeld
Photo credit: Ruth Wiesenfeld


ART RESIDENCY |                            25. 04. 2022 - 01. 03. 2022

2021-2022 Gihak ArtLab Artist Residency Program Season 3 第三季藝術家進駐計畫, 志哈克藝術實驗場 Gihak ArtLab, Hualien, TW

Artist residency in Hualien this March, slowly, gently back in tune with nature and self from looking at a dancing spider or the ocean view from the cottage (former military bunker at the mouth of Hualien Creek).
Photo credit: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


TALK |                                                                          14. 02. 2022

【在地聊計畫】系列 : 藝術家 張君慈在地實驗 ETAT, 臺灣數位藝術中心 Digital Art Center Taiwan (DAC.TW), Taipei, TW

將以作品「月潮搖籃曲 moon tide lullaby: fragility of sonic memory」(2019 - 至今)為錨點,分享如何透過藝術創作,代謝內在的疼痛,進而持續且反覆思考與覺察自己與世界的關係,探索與編織其之間與之外的括號()空間。以及跨物種聆聽計畫:「如果我有__的耳朵? What is it like to be ____?」(2021 - 至今)與半封城中開始的實驗日誌 「bedroom art journal」。
Venue: 臺灣數位藝術中心 (台北市士林區中山北路六段431-1號號B1)
Date: 14th February 2022
Time: 19:30 - 21:30
More details: here
Photo credit: ETAT


EVENT  |                                                                      23. 01. 2022

思塾 Think School 分享會, 臺北表演藝術中心 Taipei Performing Arts Center, Taipei, TW

#聲音藝術 #跨物種聆聽 #疼痛意識
分享這一年的創作與研究,以及修復自身基礎設施的紀錄。透過藝術創作代謝內在的疼痛是一切的開始,進而持續且反覆思考與覺察自己與世界的關係,試著探索其之間與之外的括號()空間。呈現包含閱讀的書籍、植物談話筆記、表演的身體學習經驗、以及半封城中開始的實驗日誌 bedroom art journal。

Venue: 臺北試演場小排練場 (臺北市大同區延平北路四段200號2樓)
Date: 23rd January 2022
Time: 14:00 - 17:00
More details: here
Photo credit: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


LECTURE & WORKSHOP |              22. 01. 2022 - 17. 01. 2022

身體聆聽 x 即興創作 成功大學 表演藝術工作坊 NCKU Performance Art Workshop, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TW

Leading a 6-day Performance Art Workshop at National Cheng Kung University. Focusing on the exploration of sound art practice and improvised music performance, this course includes intensive workshops and theoretical seminars to guide the students dive into various experiments and creative practices toward sound, such as: deep listening practice, field recordings, handmade instruments, notation methods and improvisation performance.
A mini-exhibition and performance have been held at the end of the course.
Footage credit: 周泰全


RADIO SHOW |                                                           05. 01. 2022

頭貼了地 We are presented with a totality, a world which speaks to us, 話鼓電台 Talking Drums Radio, Taipei, TW

我們在不知道對方文本出處的前提下, 以閱讀對方文本摘錄的個人感受作為觸媒, 透過聲音轉譯在疫情期間台灣處於半封城狀態的閱讀經驗。每一集都是謎團加謎底的兩段式架構, 混合拼貼田野錄音、擬音、音樂和人聲敘事等聲響, 保留某些環境底噪、粗糙的誤差感和偶爾過於逼近, 再製這段因疫情而生、由虛擬到實體再到虛擬的聲音想像。


Producers: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang (張君慈) & Yu Liao (廖于萱)
Have a listen: (ep1), (ep2)
Cover design by Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


WORKSHOP |                                                              19. 12. 2021

如果我有溪流的耳朵 — 深度聆聽與繪畫工作坊 
What is it like to be a river? — Deep listening and drawing workshop, Taoyuan, TW

Leading a deep listening and drawing workshop in Taoyuan, TW

Venue: 一起野餐 (集合點,桃園市中壢區長安街1-11號)、老街溪(中正橋 - 翠堤橋)
Date: 19th December 2021 
Time: 12:00 - 15:00
Cover design by Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


PERFORMANCE |                              23. 10. 2021 - 09. 01. 2022

Performing in artist Nile Koetting’s work ‘Remain Calm - Refrain’ in exhibition ‘The world began without the human race and it will end without it 世界不隨人類生滅’, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, TW

‘Remain Calm - Refrain’ by Nile Koetting
Performance / Live Art: Eric Tsai, Iris Chun-Tzu Chang
Venue: 國立臺灣美術館 101 展覽室 Gallery 101, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
Date: 24/10, 31/10, 14/11, 28/ 11, 18/12, 26/12, 09/01 (Iris)
Time: 13:30 - 14:30 / 15:30 - 16:30 
Curated by Junya YAMAMINE
Photo Credit: National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts


EVENT |                                                                       18. 07. 2021

Sound work Running water, singing house on World Listening Day (WLD) 2021’s 24-hour stream programme, Worldwide

World Listening Day – a 24 hour broadcast is a community reflection and celebration of sound, creativity and listening on July 18, a date chosen to honor one of the early leaders in acoustic ecology, music and sound studies, Canadian composer R. Murray Schafer. Among the self-organized and initiated personal celebrations, and local live and public events taking place around the world, the World Listening Project has curated a 24-hour online audio and video broadcast from contributions received in response to its open call, reflecting this year’s theme, “The Unquiet Earth.”

Listen to live streaming radio: here

Photo Credit: World Listening Project


EVENT |                                                                      29. 05. 2021

Imaginary sound work lunar water radio 月之水電台 in window conversationBergen, Norway

About window conversation: The locals in Bergen have opened their arms to host a sound to be let out of their windows. Pass by or stay and listen for a while. 25 artists with different approaches to sound.
Curated by Emma Fuchs Sjövall.
16.00 - 18.00 AROUND SKANSEN
Bernhard Meyers vei 19 - Iris Chun-Tzu Chang, Taiwan
More details: here
Photo Credit: Emma Fuchs Sjövall


PERFORMANCE |                             25. 04. 2021 - 24. 04. 2021

Music & dance improvisation performance在 . 不在(Here and Now) at 2021 衛武營TIFA當代音樂平台 (2021Weiwuying TIFA Contemporary Music Platform), 衛武營國家藝術文化中心 National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts Weiwuying, Kaohsiung, TW

在 . 不在》(Here and Now)
Venue: 衛武營榕樹廣場西側平台 National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts Weiwuying, Kaohsiung, TW
Date: 25th April 2021 - 24th April 2021
Time: 17:00 - 18:00
舞蹈 Dance|郭箏 Si Pehbowen、田孝慈 Tien Hsiao-Tzu、黃韋捷 Huang Wei-Jie
音樂 Music|何侊倢 Ho Guang-Jie、張君慈 Iris Chun-Tzu Chang、黃雅農 Huang Ya-Nung、戴孜嬣 Tai Zih-Ning
Photo Credit: Studio Acht, Weiwuying


PERFORMANCE |                             14. 03. 2021 - 13. 03. 2021

Performing at The 13th Grasstraw Festival, 第十三屆草草戲劇節《轉轉》, Chiayi, TW

Improvised music & dance performance by heroom (Iris Chun-Tzu Chang, Guang-Jie Ho) × Si Pehbowen
Venue: G9 Creative Park 嘉義文化創意產業園區, Chiayi, TW
Date: 14th Mar. 2021 - 13th Mar. 2021 
Time: 13:50 她室heroom「當日常不在日常的時候」
15:35 Si Pehbowen × heroom「當孩子還是孩子的時候」
Photo Credit: Studio Acht, Grasstraw Festival


EXHIBITION |                                    13. 04. 2021 - 06. 03. 2021

Melting Voice’ in Infinitely Ephemeral: Contemporary Women's Arts 無窮的瞬間:當代女性藝術展, Group Exhibition, NCKU Art Centre, Tainan, TW

Infinitely Ephemeral: Contemporary Women's Arts
Venue: National Cheng Kung University Art Centre, Tainan 成大藝坊
Date: 17th Jan. 2021 - 19th Dec. 2020
Time: 09:00-17:30
Opening Reception: 06th Mar. 2021 14:00
Opening Performance: 06th Mar. 2021 14:00 — melting score 冰墨畫聲 by Iris Chun-Tzu Chang
Curated by Ming Turner
Photo Credit: NCKU Art Centre


PERFORMANCE |                             09. 01. 2021 & 26. 12. 2020

冰墨畫聲:畫一半月譜 melting score: drawing half moon score
月形是流動的冰 — 張君慈 個展 : 展演開幕即興演出 Moon Melts In Flowing Ice: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang Solo Exhibition: Performance night, Yuejin Art Museum, Tainan, TW

Venue: Yuejin Art Museum 舊一銀老屋空間
Date: 09th Jan. 2021 & 26th Dec. 2020
Time: 18:00-19:00 
Event detail: here
Photo Credit: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang, YueJin Art Museum


EXHIBITION |                                   17. 01. 2021 - 19. 12. 2020

月形是流動的冰 Moon Melts In Flowing Ice: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang Solo Exhibition, Yuejin Art Museum, Tainan, TW

Moon Melts In Flowing Ice: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang Solo Exhibition Venue: Yuejin Art Museum 月津故事館 1F
Date: 17th Jan. 2021 - 19th Dec. 2020
Time: 09:00-17:30
Opening: 26th Dec. 2020 14:00 - 14:30
Performance: 26th Dec. 2020 18:00 - 19:00
Photo Credit: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


EXHIBITION |                                    10. 01. 2021 - 25. 12. 2020

moon tide lullaby: fragility of sonic memory in 2020 Nanying Awards Group Exhibition, Tainan, TW

Nanying Awards Group Exhibition

Venue: Xinying Cultural Centre 新營文化中心雅藝館
Date: 10th Jan. 2021 – 25th Dec. 2020
Time: 09:00-17:00 (Closed on Monday and Tuesday)

Photo Credit: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang


PERFORMANCE |                                          13. 12 - 12. 12. 2020

2020 再壹波藝術節 One More Festival, Taipei / Tainan, TW

Live performance「迴路 (The circuit)」heroom (Iris Chun-Tzu Chang, Ray Ho) × Si Pehbowen
Book your ticket: here
12/12 14:30 台南場 Tainan
>> 涴莎藝術展演中心 Wan Sha Performing Arts Centre
12/13 14:30 台北場 Taipei
>> 歌德學院(台北)德國文化中心 藝文活動廳 Goethe-Institut Taipei 
Photo Credit: One More Festival


AWARD |                                                                        14. 11. 2020

Grand prize in New Media Category, 2020 Nanying Awards, Taiwan
月潮搖籃曲 (moon tide lullaby)」獲得 2020 南瀛獎 新媒體類首獎

Sound installation "moon tide lullaby: fragility of sonic memory"(月潮搖籃曲) wins the first prize in 2020 Nanying Awards (new media category), the work will be included in Tainan City Government’s art collection.
Exhibition: 10 January – 25 December, 09.00-17.00
(Closed on Monday and Tuesday)

Xinying Cultral Centre, Tainan, TW
Photo Credit: Nanying Awards


EXHIBITION |                                    22. 11. 2020 - 27. 10. 2020

Music design and Sound installation in 烏有史Uchronia Netart Project, physical exhibition in F Studio, Taipei, TW

Uchronia Netart Project
Venue: F Studio 台北市大同區民樂街24號後棟 (從民生西路362巷進入)
Date: 22th Nov. 2020 - 27th Oct. 2020
Time: 12:00-18:00

我們以臺灣多重殖民的經驗出發,透過藝術重新思考數位全球化下分歧的「身分認同」和「國家」的概念,並用網站藝術(net art)的方式創造一段子虛烏有的歷史(Uchronia),這個字由烏托邦(utopia)和時間(chronos)兩個字組成,指的是⼀段我們所屬世界之外的虛構時間,包括:重建的過去、可能的現在、臆測的未來。「Uchronia 烏有史」藝術實驗計畫由藝術家黃祥昀和陳臻共同發起與創作,並與工程師梁祐文、聲音藝術家張君慈、與多位朋友一同協作。

Photo Credit: F Studio 


PERFORMANCE |                                                        20. 10. 2020

即興音樂白日夢: 輯一 《與未知共同靜心冥想》 heroom x Qenji Yoshida 於 尖蚪
Improvised performance at Tadpole Point, Taipei City, TW

heroom (Iris Chun-Tzu Chang, Ray Ho) x Qenji Yoshida
Improvisational music daydreaming (Vol. 1 meditation with unknowns)

Tuesday 20 October - 15:00~18:00 (UTC+08)
Book your free ticket: here

Photo Credit: Qenji Yoshida


PERFORMANCE |                                                        01. 08. 2020

Cloud Gate - Dance and Music Masterclass: Workshop Presentation [雲門劇場 樂舞跨域大師工作坊呈現]
Improvised performance at Cloud Gate Theater, New Taipei City, TW

Photo Credit: Cloud Gate Theater


RADIO SHOW |                                                             16. 04. 2020

moon tide lullaby: fragility of sonic memory on Eavesdropping on the Wind and Cloud, Talking Drums Radio, Taipei, TW

EP.1 Moon Tide Lullaby: Fragility of Sonic Memory (2019-)
Moon Tide Lullaby is a long-term project made by artist Iris Chun-Tzu Chang. In the work, she utilized multiple field recordings that she collected in Taiwan & London as well as live recording from the transformation between ice and water. The sounds and poems are revealed gradually as the time passes by and which process can be seen as a poetic metaphor of transition between the tangible/intangible identity and memory.

Eavesdropping on the Wind and Cloud

An online curation recording by Shih Ya-Tien in collaboration with artists Iris Chun-Tzu Chang, Sarah Song and Yifeat Ziv. The artists collected sounds from the Taiwan’s coastal area, Sahara Desert, and Amazon rainforest as the elements of their works: Moon Tide Lullaby: Fragility of Sonic Memory (2019-), 10 Sec of Sahara (2018), The Echo of Our Breath (2019) and Amazonian Traces of Self (2019). In the form of interviews, the artists share their travel experiences, and process of how they collected the field recordings and then transformed, interpreted the sounds into their own personal practices.
Photo Credit: Talking Drums Radio


EXHIBITION |                                    26. 01. 2020 - 23. 01. 2020

moon tide lullaby: fragility of sonic memory in NEW MOON AT LUMEN CRYPT GALLERY

Venue: The Lumen Crypt Gallery, St John on Bethnal Green, 200 Cambridge Heath Road, London, E2 9PA.
Date: 24th-26th January 2020. 12-6pm.
Private View: Thursday 23 January 6-9pm.

Lumen Studios present a multi-disciplinary group exhibition relating to the New Moon on 24 January 2020 and the partial Lunar Eclipse on 10 January 2020. 
Photo Credit: Lumen Studio


PERFORMANCE |                                                      10. 12. 2019

"moon tide lullaby: melting score" in Heightened States of Awareness: A Performance Evening, IKLECTIK, London, UK.

Heightened States of Awareness: A Performance Evening |
Tuesday 10 December - doors 6.30pm - start 7pm
Book your free ticket: here

Photo Credit: Kyrin Chen, Reve Kan


EXHIBITION |                                    05. 12. 2019 - 07. 12. 2019

Sound installation "moon tide lullaby: fragility of sonic memory" in Heightened States of Awareness, London, UK.

Exhibition: 5 – 7 December, 11.00-18.00 (11.00-16.00 on Saturday)
Opening Night: 4 Dec 6-9pm | Book Tickets (free)
Silent Night Opening & Research Symposium: 6 December, 17.30-21.00 | Book Tickets (free)
Performance Evening: 10 December, 19.00-22.00 | Book Tickets (free)

In the introduction to her Sonic Meditations (1974) composer Pauline Oliveros suggests that her eponymous text scores might produce “through continuous work [..] heightened states of awareness [that] may represent a tuning of mind and body”.

Heightened States of Awareness takes its title from Oliveros and brings together the work of the eleven students graduating from the MA Sound Arts in 2019. The exhibited pieces invite a ‘tuning of mind and body’, presenting approaches that may foreground a non-hierarchical listening amidst multi-sensate entanglements with each other and the environment. The exhibition title might also be understood with respect to this moment of increasing environmental and political emergency, asking us to hear questions that attend to local and personal concerns as well as tuning in to wider notions of social in/justice, and sometimes crossing the boundary of the ‘audible’ altogether.

London College of Communication's MA Sound Arts Postgraduate Show 2019.

Download the exhibition guide "here".
Photo Credit: Heightened States Of Awareness


FEATURE |                                                                  28. 11. 2019

"moon tide lullaby: fragility of sonic memory" is featured on the London College of Communication website, UK

SPOTLIGHT ON: Iris Chun-Tzu Chang, MA Sound Arts – LCC Postgraduate Shows 2019

Sound installation "moon tide lullaby: fragility of sonic memory" is selected for feature on the UAL London College of Communication website.
Photo Credit: LCC website


COMMISSION |                                                          05. 09. 2019

Film scoring for Documentary Series "See You At The Market" [我在市場待了一整天] Episode No.6 - Taichung Second Market [台中第二市場], TW.

Theme music and film scoring for documentary series "See You At The Market" [我在市場待了一整天] episode No.6 - Taichung Second Market [台中第二市場]. Commissioned by Taiwan Public Television Service [公共電視台].
Photo Credit: Public Television Service


ALBUM RELEASE |                                                    31. 07. 2019

Taipei-Sound of Silence [臺北的寂靜之聲] The collection of Taipei MRT station ambient music, TW

Ambient music work Roaming Traveler 漫遊旅人 composed for Songshan Airport Station is included in digital album Taipei-Sound of Silence [臺北的寂靜之聲] , music now is available for download and purchase. Streams as follows:

[Apple Music] Taipei-Sound of Silence
[Spotify] Taipei-Sound of Silence
[KKBOX] Taipei-Sound of Silence
Photo Credit: @TaipeiMRTsoundscape


PERFORMANCE |                                                      22. 07. 2019

Live Drawing Performance w/ Ziv-Chen-Edwards-Johnson Quartet at IKLECTIK, London, UK

"Introspective Sonics" is a two part event series focusing on the vital affinity between individual creativity and the collaborative aspect of free improvisation. Performing with Yifeat Ziv, Doran Edwards, Kyrin Chen, and Joe Johnson at IKLECTIK, UK.

Introspective Sonics | Side B
Photo Credit: IKLECTIK


PERFORMANCE |                                                      09. 06. 2019

SYNESTHESIA SERIES: Live Drawing Performance w/ Ziv-Chen-Edwards-Johnson Quartet at Hundred Years Gallery, London, UK

"Synesthesia Series" is the ongoing project I've been working on since 2015. In this live drawing session, performance will be seen as an experiment to externalize the process of inner sensory translation. Performing with Yifeat Ziv, Doran Edwards, Kyrin Chen, and Joe Johnson at Hundred Years Gallery, London, UK.

Change: Performances #1 : Yifeat Ziv / Slate Pipe Banjo Draggers. Sunday 9th June 15:30
Photo Credit: Yifeat Ziv


RADIO SHOW |                                                           19. 03. 2019

ARIT: The Sound Of Criticism Being Done [ 4:00pm - 4:30pm ] on Resonance FM, London, UK

"Arit" questions identity through language and sound. Conversation is used as a tool to explore communication, and to confront ways of listening and interacting. The space and time where the conversation is held becomes intemporal, pushing communication beyond known boundaries. Like the radio, Arit’s sounds and language evoke how one tunes in or tunes out. Featuring Iris Chun-Tzu Chang, Ava Halloran, Tarik Haskić and Reve Wing Ying Kan. [Repeated Saturday 10.30am.]

Photo Credit: Resonance FM Website


AWARD |                                                                                  2017

GRAND PRIZE of Taipei MRT Station Ambient Music Competition , Taiwan

Music work Roaming Traveler 漫遊旅人 composed by Chang Chun-Tzu (張君慈) which is written for Songshan Airport Station won the Taipei MRT Station Ambient Music Competition in 2017.
Press : Taiwan Panorama
Photo Credit: MRT Station Ambient Music Competition Official Website
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