Synesthesia Series: Live Performance (2019-ongoing)
Recording the synesthetic experiences between sound and image, which is an experiment trying to capture the moment through performative writing, improvisation and illustration.
"Synesthesia Series" is the ongoing project I've been working on since 2015. In this live drawing session, performance will be seen as an experiment to externalize the process of inner sensory translation.
Synesthesia Series 是我於2015開始的創作,透過即興音樂與繪畫,探索聲音與圖像的聯覺現象與記錄轉譯的過程,作品在2019年六月於 Hundred Years Gallery 第一次以表演形式呈現,並於同年七月受邀於倫敦的實驗音樂展演空間IKLECTIK Lab演出。
Performing with Yifeat Ziv, Doran Edwards, Kyrin Chen, and Joe Johnson at Hundred Years Gallery, London, UK.
Performing with Yifeat Ziv, Doran Edwards, Kyrin Chen, and Joe Johnson at IKLECTIK, London, UK